Carla lalli music pressy downy
Carla lalli music pressy downy

carla lalli music pressy downy

We pretty much have WNYC on all day, and then we switch over to a music playlist when we sit down.

carla lalli music pressy downy

It could be anything-it could be a big cluster of mushrooms it could be a little, tiny watermelon it could be multicolored eggplant. I know that’s vague, but I like shopping without a list and buying something that makes me hungry or inspires me to cook. And then I really buy the thing that looks the best to me.

carla lalli music pressy downy

Whenever I go to the farmers market, I definitely walk end to end before I make a purchase, and that way you can see what’s abundant, what everybody has, what’s coming in or out of season. The colder months is actually the best time to be grilling, so I’m very much looking forward to some cozy fall Sunday-night grilling outside. I have a grill, but I also have a wood-burning oven in my backyard. And anything I can grill is really my favorite way of cooking.


Now it's something that I would love to learn how to make at home and kind of acquiring the confidence and good teachers for that. I love eating Korean and Japanese food so much, so over the years that’s been something that I went to restaurants to seek out. What’s something you’ve been dying to cook but haven’t gotten around to yet? It's just so useful when you need a quick meal. And canned fish-whether it’s canned tuna, smoked trout, sardines, smoked salmon. My two go-tos are short grain white rice and something like a jasmine or a basmati rice. Rice-long grain, short grain, brown rice, red rice. Buttermilk, which is so useful for pancakes, dressings, and dips. Carla Lalli Music: We always have kimchee-if we don’t have kimchee, it’s a problem.

Carla lalli music pressy downy